Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Band - Dir en Grey

Dir en Grey are a Japanese rock/metal band formed in 1997, Japan.

This time I'll share two songs, they're from their latest album Uroboros (2008) and they're titled "Glass Skin" & "Toguro".

So the members are Kyo (Vocals), Kaoru (Guitar), Die (Guitar), Toshiya (Bass) & Shinya (Drums)

If you have read this far, it means you are somehow interested so did ya know that Kyo is pretty well known for his vocal-range?

He REALLY has a ridiculous vocal-range, you might wanna check more of their songs. (Cause in these, he doesn't "show" his complete potential)


  1. I've never ever heard Japan's metal band thanks for the update

  2. I don't really like the vocals on those. Sound like he has his mouth full with food/stuff... May be just me, though.

  3. Dir En Grey is the classic J-rock band in my book

  4. Yet another awesome band! Keep it up =D

  5. Kind of nice actually

  6. Really interesting sound. I can dig it.

  7. this is pretty good actually, havent heard anything like it before

  8. not as much as others but, I still enjoy the culture. thank you very much for sharing. Some of these bands are really hard for me to find with my uh *ahem* file sharing program

  9. really cool one waiting for the next one
