Tuesday, May 31, 2011

- Question -

My last post was about a Korean pop/hip-hop group... And got plenty of comments saying they prefered the Japanese-bands posts...

So wat do you say? Should I post more Korean bands or more Japanese ones?

Thanks for all the support and comments so far! I finally reached 3000 views by the way, and it's all thanks to you guy! ^^

Another one of my wife's drawings ^^ please say something about it, will you?


  1. i actully don't care... for me both is like the same

  2. Aww, that's the cutest little chibi ever! <3 You should totally put up one of her drawings with every soundtrack post (if she's okay with it), or set her up with her own blog if she wants to!

    Back to the music. I personally prefer Japanese music, but it all depends on wether you think the band is noteworthy or not. If you found a really good K-Rock band, for example, and want to give them a shoutout just because they earn it, then do it!

  3. @Fang

    Thanks for ur opinion, ^^ i will post more drawings when she has some new ones

  4. for me both are the same i dont want to choose which is better.

  5. bigger wife pic please. I just don't like it. Imagine if we ate cake all the time and no liver. How would we known we liked cake? and liver is good for you. Post what you have content for, post not only what is interesting to us, but what is currently interesting you. I enjoyed and did watch the entire video. I just didn't really desire to go out and search for everything that particular band ever created and also listen to it. Hit and miss, you can't have us all enraptured all the time

  6. Your Wife is obviously very tallented. Lovely drawing.

  7. Either type works for me, and the comment for your wife?... Desu!

  8. I don't know korean music well so i think unknown is better that highly dominated by femine looking guys japannese music market. As for pictures... i have never been fan of super deformed style tell her to draw her with proper propotions (case IF manga girls have real life propotions i leave open)

  9. your drawing is very good. I like it.

  10. I think you are better than most mmmm

  11. i loved the drawing - that's kinda my style ;p

    I have followed your blog..Could you follow mine too please?

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  12. Very nice drawing, your wife has some talent. The colors fit perfectly

  13. No opinion. Not even sure of the difference, other than language. Can't speak either language though, so...

  14. I don't mind, either kind of band is fine.
    That is a really cute chibi, the colouring is done very well!

  15. I'd say post a bit of each. No real reason to post one more than the other.

  16. I find both to be equal in my views. But I can't even speak their languages so I can't really comment.

  17. if your wifes half as cute as that drawing... id rape her at first sight...

    (on the internet that counts as a compliment)

  18. @i_love_weed

    she is much cuter than that!
    and even if that was a compliment, i wouldn't allow u to o.o"

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